time2learn Young Talents
Your solution for basic vocational education
time2learn Young Talents
time2learn Young Talents is based on the dual education model of the Swiss vocational training system. It already represents more than 100 professions and further professions are being added constantly. Training companies use time2learn Young Talents to plan the training of their apprentices. Vocational trainers and apprentices have an overview of the learning status, learning documentation and performance grades at all times.

Training companies

Industry association

Industry-level courses center


Are you looking for further information on time2learn Young Talents?
On the time2learn Young Talents product page you will find all information on licensing, the supported professions, the user manuals and our range of training and course offerings.
Education and learning planning
Your support in the preparation, planning, support and monitoring of your trainees
Training management – hands-on and easy
time2learn Young Talents helps you to plan and monitor all necessary training measures online. All the relevant training information from all three learning locations – company, practical training and school – is gathered and clearly displayed.
Cooperation between learning institutions refers to optimal collaboration between all institutions involved in vocational education and training. The training measures are coordinated between the learning locations and presented transparently for all users. This enables learners to build up and maintain their knowledge as optimally and efficiently as possible. The training measures and results are managed digitally and enriched with additional information. Authorized vocational trainers can use this data to carry out learning monitoring quickly and easily in order to quickly identify weaknesses. For example, test and examination results can be enriched with additional information and then depicted clearly in the form of competence diagrams.