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  • Redefining Learning: MISSION Paper
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  • Redefining Learning: MISSION Paper
| Timo Kind
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Redefining Learning: MISSION Paper


From the WHITE Paper to the MISSION Paper

Eight months ago, we published our WHITE Paper on «Personalized Learning» here. The focus was on the theoretical, didactic and algorithmic foundations of personalized learning.

Now, a few months later, we have expanded the WHITE Paper into an actual MISSION Paper. The title “Redefining Learning” points out that learning must be redefined and further developed with regard to its didactic, methodological and technical dimensions. This is the MISSION Statement of CREALOGIX Digital Learning.

The MISSION Paper is based on the WHITE Paper and was extended through the chapters Technology, Practice and an Appendix.

The Technology section contains a description of the «Swiss Learning Hub». With the Swiss Learning Hub, CREALOGIX offers a modular learning hub solution for professional education. The hub covers both basic vocational training, in-company and continuing vocational training as well as tertiary and continuing vocational training (schools of applied sciences, universities and other educational institutions).

The practical part shows that MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are the «blueprint» for new online-based, corporate learning formats. MOOC-based learning formats in various forms enable online courses, blended learning offers or enrich presence-oriented learning through online components. At the first Swiss MOOC Factory Event, which will take place on the 7th of March, 2017 in the Trafo-Hallen in Baden, a variety of experts will demonstrate how MOOC-based learning formats can be implemented in practice.

The MISSION Paper will also be available at this time and can be ordered on the homepage of CREALOGIX Digital Learning.

The components of modern learning architectures include personalized learning, cloud -and mobile based learning solutions and MOOC-based learning formats. These form the basis for modern learning processes in basic education, in-company training and further -and tertiary education.


Timo Kind

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