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- SAQ Recertification points
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- SAQ Recertification points

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SAQ Recertification points
SAQ-certified bank customer advisors need them, we have them!
We are talking about the 24 points for continuing education that bank customer advisors have to collect in order to receive certification without an examination. As an e-Learning provider, we had our training content, which was not yet approved, checked by SAQ in January. Now all our trainings are approved and have a corresponding SAQ code.
Our Compliance Library offers an attractive opportunity not only to meet the legal requirements, but also to collect the required SAQ points of continuing education. It includes 15 modules on all kinds of banking and finance topics such as CDB 20, cyber security or AEoI.
All Trainings of the Compliance Library
- AEoI
- Anti Money Laundering
- Anti-Corruption
- CDB 20
- Code of Business Conduct
- Contact Notes
- Cyber Security
- FinSA
- Fraud Prevention
- Market Conduct Rules
- MiFID II Directive
- Sanctions Violations
- Swiss Data Protection Act
As a customer, you are completely free to decide whether you are interested in individual courses or in the entire library.