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- Digital Health

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Digital Health
How digital learning and health are linked
Digital learning is entering the healthcare industry. Professionals and patients alike can learn more about all aspects of health through various web-based learning formats. The use of cloud-based learning technologies simplifies entry and use.
Digital Transformation
The keyword “digital transformation” is currently determining the strategic discussions on the competitiveness of companies. Services, organizational structures and business models are being realigned and converted to digitalization. Customers also expect continuous improvement of digital services and products so that they can purchase and consume them anytime and anywhere.
Importance for the health care system
This development is also affecting the health care system: E-patients want to be informed and voice out their opinion. They would like to take part in determining which form of treatment is chosen and how prevention can be implemented. Digital transformation in healthcare has a lot to do with being informed about all aspects of health. “Learn digital health” is the motto. It is obvious that classic forms and formats of learning (books, journals, seminars) are also digitalized within the framework of digital transformation. E-Patients want to be able to access and use the knowledge relevant to them anytime and anywhere.